In an attempt to help some of my fellow 2020 debut authors, I will be featuring several of them and their books over the coming weeks and months. The hope and intent is to help build awareness for new authors and their titles releasing this year. First up is Nicole Mabry, author of Past this Point.
Nicole Mabry is an award winning photographer, retoucher, and writer who lives in New York City. She manages photography post production at NBCUniversal, working on USA Network, Syfy and Bravo. Nicole’s photography has graced the covers of books internationally and has been featured in shows throughout the city. Nicole is an animal lover, avid book reader and horror movie junkie. Her love of the macabre led her to write Past This Point, an apocalyptic women’s fiction novel.
Reviews and Praise for
Past this Point
“Past This Point is realistic and terrifying, sad and rewarding. Pour yourself a glass of wine and snuggle up in front of a cozy fire and prepare to read this perfectly chilling novel from cover to cover in one sitting. You absolutely can’t put Nicole Mabry’s book down!” –Indies Today
“What an incredible story. It is truly a hidden gem and needs to be more widely read.” –Wine Cellar Library
“Engaging and profoundly riveting.” – R.C. Gibson, Editorial Reviewer
“The best book I have read in a long, long time.” – Steve Quade, Editorial Reviewer
“I loved this book, it was emotional and heart-poundingly thrilling. This is in my top three for apocalyptic genre along with Z for Zachariah and The Wolf Road.” —Hannah’s Words

From the Publisher, Red Adept Publishing
Karis Hylen has been through the New York City dating wringer. After years of failed relationships, she abandons her social life and whittles her days down to work and spending time with her dog, Zeke. Her self-imposed exile ends up saving her life when an untreatable virus sweeps the east coast, killing millions.Alone in her apartment building, Karis survives with only Zeke, phone calls to her mom, and conversations with two young girls living across the courtyard. With the city in a state of martial law, violence and the smell of rotting corpses surround her every day. But her biggest enemy is her own mind. As cabin fever sets in, vivid hallucinations make her question her sanity. In addition to her dwindling food and water stash, Karis must now struggle to keep her mind in check. When a mysterious man enters the scene, she hopes she can convince him to help her make it to the quarantine border. With the world crumbling around her, Karis discovers her inner strength but may find that she needs people after all.
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