I was recently interviewed by author Anita Kushwaha on her blog. Here is the link to check it out…I am pretty candid about my reasoning and feelings about leaving traditional publishing.
Excerpt Once Upon a Lie: Chapter Three
Link to chapter two Link to chapter one Alexander untethered his MacBook from the projection cables and slid it into the padded sleeve of his computer bag. His class of Columbia University neuropsychology graduate students, were collecting their own things,
As the Dust Settles
It’s been a few weeks since Once Upon a Lie released and I can feel my head clearing and making space for other thoughts beyond the monumental efforts to get the book produced and uploaded to all the places. It
Excerpt Once Upon a Lie: Chapter Two
LINK TO CHAPTER ONE HERE. CHAPTER TWO: “Amazing,” Dominique said as she tilted her head left, then right. “It’s um…a unique composition. Almost as if…well, he was such a handsome man in real life. And this…. It almost reminds me