We are well into 2025, and I’m happy to say it’s been a very productive start to the writing year. If you watch my videos on YouTube, you know I’ve set a very ambitious goal for myself. Complete the first draft of my 12th book by the end of the first quarter.

There are plenty of writers who write a whole book in three months. Hell, some writers write one book a month. But for me, it usually takes me at least a year…sometimes longer.

But…I’ve long suspected I CAN write faster even though I NEVER have. So, the beginning of 2025 has been all about giving it a go. Making writing the #1 priority each day. Committing to getting the words done like it’s my only job, and consistently showing up to my book every day that I’m scheduled to, Monday-Friday.

Today is Thursday of my fourth week. So how’s it going, you may wonder. Well, honestly, I’m behind where I need to be. There have been days I didn’t hit the goal that will keep me on track (1500 words per day) and there have been days that I had planned to write and didn’t write at all. Those have added up to keep me below the goal mark. If I were on track, I would have at least 28,500 words by the end of today and 30,000 by the end of this week.

I’m not there.

But, as of right now, I’m currently just over 23,000 words. I’ll do a bit more writing today. Hardly any tomorrow because I’m working a flight to Hawaii. And I’ll get some more done on my layover on Saturday. So that you know, it’s unlikely I’ll make up the difference.


Oh my god…I still feel like a huge success and like this is the most I’ve ever written in this short of a time frame. There have definitely been some tricks and tips I’ve learned about how to better optimize my working hours, and I’ll be sharing those both here and on YouTube in the coming weeks, but I want to get a few more weeks under my belt to make sure this hasn’t been a fluke.

So, if you’re a writer too, and you’re curious about how I’m getting more writing done than ever before, stay tuned for my future posts here and my videos over on YouTube.

However, if you don’t want to wait for me to keep running my little personal experiment, here are the books I’ve read over the past 6 months that I feel have literally changed my life:

The 12 Week Year by Brian P. Moran

Start with Why by Simon Sinek

The One Thing by Gary Keller

Deep Work by Cal Newport

The DOSE Effect by TJ Powers

So far, this has been a game-changer for me.

The Fastest I’ve Ever Written a Book