About a week ago, I typed THE END for Once Upon a Lie. This was my book that for weeks and weeks felt like it simply didn’t want to end. I would think, I’m so close, but then realize that there were several story lines that were going to take longer to wrap up in a way that satisfied.

And so, I kept writing.

In the end, my planned 85,000 word book wound up being 103,000 words. I’ve started working on the edits…so we’ll just have to see how much gets cut before we reach the final draft.

Anyway, finishing this book is the best Christmas gift I could think to give myself.

ONCE UPON A LIE publishes on February 21st 2023. If you are a Kindle Unlimited subscriber, it will be free to download. It will also be available in hardback and paperback to purchase. Additionally, I thrilled to share that the talented Libby McKnight will be voicing the audiobook version! More on this development soon.

I hope you are enjoying the season. Personally, I just got my tree and Christmas decorations up about four days ago (a bit later than usual for me.) But I love waking up to get my coffee in the morning and seeing the tree and garland all lit up.

Tonight I’m heading to my first holiday party of the season (I’m getting my nails done at I write this post!) I’m so looking forward to connecting with friends and former colleagues I don’t get to see that often.

Wishing you all the best 🎄❤️

I Finished Once Upon a Lie