My current writing camping spot…the kitchen counter.

The last four months have been a crazy whirlwind of having so many of my writerly goals come to fruition. Right now I’m in the fray and working on the continuation of that dream.

When I have a second to stop and really think about how much has changed since February, I’m still completely overwhelmed with a sense of awe and gratitude so big–I sometimes have to remind myself that this REALLY IS my new reality.

You wrote a book that sold to a traditional publisher.

Not only that, but they also contracted for a second.

When did that become true for ME?? While it at times feels like it was overnight, I know the truth. There have been thousands of overnights between today’s success and yesterday’s start.

And I can honestly say today’s success proves to be worth every “no thank you” that I’ve listened to along my journey. I finally have the opportunity to work with a fantastic editor who is invested in seeing my book shine and do well.

While I’ve worked with some fantastic freelance editors on my other books–I can honestly say that working with Grace at Sourcebooks has been a next level experience for me and my writing. I imagine it’s what it must feel like to work with a professional sports coach–they’re reading you, your output, and pushing to get that last 5% out of you.

And now that we are nearly finished with this second round, and I see that finish line on the horizon, I’m starting to let myself get excited about some of the next phases of development: copy edits, cover design, and hopefully some foreign sales.

And of course…that next book.

On Working With a Traditional Editor