Dear Reader, I am so happy and proud to share the title, cover, and blurb for my new book with you today. Thank you for continuing to support my writing career. I appreciate each and every one of you. The
Cover Reveal: Once Upon a Lie

Dear Reader, I am so happy and proud to share the title, cover, and blurb for my new book with you today. Thank you for continuing to support my writing career. I appreciate each and every one of you. The
I don’t know why, but this writer’s life always seems to unfold in either a creative feast or famine. And as I’ve said in some of my more recent posts, these last several months have been nothing but word starvation.
Mental Health Mondy and I thought it would be fitting to talk about productivity during these quarantine months. In short, for me, it’s been a huge struggle. Between the news about the virus, disruption of life as I typically know
Current status: My office looks like an Office Max and a Michaels drank too much, hooked up, and then threw up all over. As I get ready for 2020 (and I’m really trying to be prepared this year instead of
View this post on Instagram GET READY FOR 2020 GIVEAWAY!! 2019 is almost over and this is the perfect time to start thinking ahead and planning for an amazing 2020. I’m giving away this beautiful Lilly Pulitzer 2020 planner, a
So I had an amazing time at my first ever Women’s Fiction Writers Retreat! As I said in my last post, it was amazing meeting, connecting, and talking writing and books with so many fantastic writers. I’m already looking forward
I have a few celebrations this week. But before I get to that: For those of you that follow me on social media–in this picture you can see my giant bulletin board that I covered in fabric a few weeks
Between sitting around my fire pit and watching the full harvest moon rise on Friday night, and brunch with two of my favorite writing gal-pals on Sunday–I had a wonderful weekend! I feel so fortunate to have made long lasting
I’m thinking about habits right now, specifically mine, because I am fully aware that I’m at the crux of needing to change some of mine right now. Over the past few weeks, probably since going back to work, I feel
As I knew would happen, I ended up having a wonderful time catching up with my writer friend, her husband (also a writer), and one of their very good friends and critique partners. It is almost always invigorating to hang