I always love looking at beautiful and perfect writing spaces on Instagram…obviously, this is because mine is ALWAYS such a mess.

I don’t know why, but this writer’s life always seems to unfold in either a creative feast or famine. And as I’ve said in some of my more recent posts, these last several months have been nothing but word starvation.

So it’s wonderful that this week I have seen the needle really, really move on my current project. I have even set myself a hard deadline for completing the first draft: July 22nd. That’s the day before I abscond to Breckenridge with some girlfriends for a weekend of Get The Hell Out of Town.

Which is desperately needed right now. And yes, I’m a huge introvert and largely have not suffered unduly with social distancing and quarantine–but even I have my limits! I’m looking forward to sights beyond my own four walls and backyard.

Other than that, I’m just waiting to hear if my kids will be going back to school in the fall, and if I will be going back to school in the fall (I work in a different district from them, so these could be different answers!) I’ve said it before: one of the most difficult things to cope with is the not knowing.

Are we going back? Yes? Fine

Are we going back? No? Fine.

But decision purgatory is no fun–in any aspect of life.

So for now I’m just going to relish this abundance of creative energy and savor the fact that this book is, once again, moving toward a completed first draft.

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What’s Happening Wednesday: A Whole Lot of Writing
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