Back Row: Erin Bartels, Sherri Gladwell Leimkuhler, Alison Hammer, Denny Bryce, Rebecca Hodge
Front Row: Rebecca Taylor, Barbara Conrey, Lyn Liao Butler

This week I have had the great good fortune to travel down to Albuquerque, New Mexico to attend the Women’s Fiction Writer’s Retreat.

I have been to many writers conferences and retreats in the past, but this is my first time attending WFWA’s. The format is not as intense, or jam packed as larger conferences I’ve been to and this allows the entire four days to be more intimate in general.

On the first day here, I met more amazing women dedicated to their creative passions and writerly pursuits than I ever did at the larger venues.

And not just met–engaged in real conversations where we shared our personal progress, greatest hopes, and biggest fears about our writer lives and careers in this often tough business.

Ever since joining earlier this year, I have loved this community and the attitude of support and generosity that it engenders. Which was why when they announced the need for volunteers to raise their hand for board positions opening up for the 2020 year, mine shot in the air.

I’ll be running for the WFWA secretary position this fall!

I’m looking forward to learning more about the organization and contributing what I can to it and its members. But mostly I’m excited to continue to meet and connect with more people in this community through our shared love for the written word.

Women’s Fiction Writers Retreat 2019

2 thoughts on “Women’s Fiction Writers Retreat 2019

  • September 28, 2019 at 12:24 AM

    I’m so happy to have connected with you!

  • September 28, 2019 at 3:22 PM

    Me too! So wonderful to meet you at the retreat and I look forward to following your publication journey!

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