Mental Health Mondy and I thought it would be fitting to talk about productivity during these quarantine months.
In short, for me, it’s been a huge struggle. Between the news about the virus, disruption of life as I typically know it, and the uncertainty about what our world will look like even a few months from now, I find my head seems to spin from one catastrophic thought to the next.
I have been a firm believer in much of the advice that has been handed out since our world turned upside down. We should give ourselves a break. We should acknowledge that these are unprecedented happenings in our modern time. We should watch as much Netflix as necessary to numb our collective angst. And this is exactly what I have been doing for months now.
And yet, I feel the need for another shift right now. Because the thing is, it’s been three months and no matter what happens next week, next month, next year–some work needs to get done around here! Furthermore, I WANT to get some work done.
Yes, the desire to work has returned. Sadly my body and brain have grown accustomed to the habit of waking up whenever we feel like it, leisurely sipping a Nespresso, and sitting on the back porch while the sun traverses the sky. Until I grow tired of this. Then I retire to the family room couch for an ungodly amount of Netflix.
In addition to this sloth, there have been lots of french fries, potato chips, and wild berry seltzers consumed. So my version of “giving myself a break” seemed to have devolved into consuming an endless supply of junk food, alcohol, and mind-numbing television. Which actually, when I shift my perspective just a little, looks a bit like the start of a depressive slide to me. This is definitely NOT taking care of, or helping myself, mid-pandemic.
So yes, I’ve had enough of this. But how to climb out of this pit of poor habits? I’m almost positive it involves starting small and growing from there.
Stop with the junk food and drinks. Ruffles, chocolate-peanut butter ice cream, and alcohol are on break status for now.
Move more. There is a handy two-mile loop around my neighborhood. This is now what I do first thing instead of staring off into oblivion with my coffee while I doom scroll through Twitter.
Commit to a working schedule. Be at my computer by 8:00am and stick to my task list for the day. Take regular breaks (mid-morning, lunch, mid-afternoon) but keep them temporary and timely. Twenty-minute breaks and forty-five-minute lunchs.
Stay off social media during the day!! In fact, stay off the internet. This one’s HARD, but I know for a fact that the internet is like a black-hole of time suck. If I can’t stick to this on my own, I might need to employ some sort of internet blocker to get me started.
So this is my plan to get started engaging in my work life in some concrete way instead of the sporadic, shot-gun method that has left me floundering for weeks on end.
Wish me luck.
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