The Secret Next Door, Rebecca Taylor

It’s Sunday and I’m working on my planner set up for the week. Actually, I mean planners since I’m now operating out of seven separate ones. (If you didn’t catch my Happy Planner haul video last week, here’s the link). So I’m surrounded by washi tape, markers, stickers, and my lists and I realize it’s about time to really start thinking about the rollout for The Secret Next Door.

Specifically getting the word out, “Hey, I have another book coming out soon.” And all the events that go along with that like giveaways, blog posts, reviews, etc, etc. If you were a fan of my last book, Her Perfect Life, I think you’re going to love The Secret Next Door. Feedback from the author blurbs and pre-readers has been fantastic. “Page-turner” “Impossible to put down” “Kept me up all night”–exactly all the things I love to hear about my books because these are some of the very qualities that I love as a reader too.

If you haven’t yet had the chance to read Her Perfect Life, here’s the link to my books page with the links for all the major retailers. Or better yet, order it from your favorite indie bookstore. These amazing book-loving people need our support, so if you’re able to buy local, please do!

Her Perfect Life, Rebecca Taylor

And if you already know you love my books, well then here is your chance to be a huge support to this author by placing your pre-order for The Secret Next Door (which I hope you’re going to LOVE.) Pre-orders are kind of a big deal in publishing. I was trying to think about how to explain it to anyone outside of publishing, but Google had the best answer:

Why are pre-orders important? For an author, pre-orders can alert retailers and consumers that they should pay attention to your book. From the bookseller perspective, the pre-order quantity is a good early indicator of a book’s success and can lead to retailers increasing their initial orders.

So this is my first of probably many promotional book posts that will be coming over the next few months–sorry, but it’s sort of part of the author deal. You have to plug your own books. But I promise it won’t be a constant stream of “buy my book” because:

  1. Eyeroll
  2. If I don’t want to write only ad copy here then I know you definitely don’t want to read only ad copy here
  3. Other people have written some killer books that will also be landing in the next few months so I’ll be reading and posting about those too
  4. Planners. I want to write more blog posts and record more videos about planners. If you, like my husband, don’t understand this, I’m sorry I can’t explain it
  5. Life. Maybe I’ll like go out to dinner somewhere that isn’t my kitchen and I’ll have some nice food pictures to post
  6. My NEW, NEW book, as in the one I’m currently writing. I’m excited about it
  7. Which brings me to the topic of productivity
  8. Also mental health
  9. Which reminds me, my daughter is leaving for college…I have some feelings about this
  10. Plus anything and everything else there is to talk about beside “please buy my books” like, maybe how I don’t take the time to really learn how to use my great camara. Or about how there are tons of great instructors on Peloton but I always end up taking Cody Rigsby’s classes…stuff like that.

Countdown to The Secret Next Door Release: Four Months!

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