This Thursday is the start of the Colorado Gold Writer’s Conference here in Denver. Since the first time I attended in 2010, I have been to this conference several times. It’s impossible for me to say how many opportunities in my writing and personal life ended up coming my way because of joining Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers and attending this conference.
There are whole webs of events and people that spun over the years from the initial choices I made to join this organization–to go to this conference.
I didn’t meet my first agent at this conference, or my second…but I did meet a woman who would end up helping me to get a job with a literary agent. I have met fellow writers, and many lifelong friends through RMFW as well. And let’s not forget to mention all I learned over the years from other writers, agents, and editors dedicated to giving their time to teach on just about any and every aspect of writing, editing, marketing, publication, productivity, and emotional hangups you could ever imagine.
Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers was the first step I took that led me to where I am today.
I’m not attending the conference this week, only because I committed to attend the Women’s Fiction Writing Association Retreat in Albuquerque, New Mexico at the end of the month. But, I am supposed to pop into the hotel bar and have a drink and catch up with one of the writer friends I met through RMFW all those years ago.
If you see me there, make sure to say hello!