So as I may have mentioned…Her Perfect Life got a new cover!

My editor emailed me in January and told me that based on some retailer account feedback, they were going to be changing the cover of my book.

Dear reader, I don’t mind telling you that I was a little in shock at first. After all, I really did love my original cover. But they explained to me that the account representative (and no, I don’t know who it was) felt that my old cover needed a bit more tension.

And honestly, I could see that.

And when they sent me this new cover–I was delighted! It’s very similar in theme to my old one, and it does add more tension, I feel, with the woman seemingly walking away from the torn perfect life.

New Cover for Her Perfect Life

I’m waiting for some higher resolution files to change all the covers on my website and social media sites, but I couldn’t wait any longer to share it here.

I hope you love it as much as I do!

(For any readers that also have Netgalley or Edelweiss Plus accounts, I hope you will consider adding Her Perfect Life to your request list!)

New Cover for Her Perfect Life!
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